Maika develpoment stuff here, probably only interesting to me, my mom, and maika when she gets old enough to read.

At 15 months she recognizes “do you want a bottle” (she’ll run out to the kitchen) and “get another book” (she’ll go to the book case).

She tends to answer any question with a smile and enthusiastic nod, so I guess some of the above only works in context.

But the thing that gets me is she is doing “ba” and “ta” syllables in time with music we play in the car. On the refrains she will chime in on the right spot. And yesterday I discovered she will sing “ba ba ba” to the an-pan-man song featured on one of Mia’s videotapes. And not only that, but sometimes when she is bored, she’ll sit there and poke her index finger in her palm and make a kind of cooing noise, then put both hands on her head and say “oooooo” as if singing the “3 little monkeys jumping on the bed” chant.

yep, another musical genius in the family.